Welcome to Midlife Motions

Hi, I’m Renate (Rena) and am thrilled about your visit. 

What is Midlife Motions? 

Midlife Motions is a place of encouragement, compassion, support for women who share the ride on the midlife boat, with its sometimes crazy ups and downs. 

You are in control of your own happiness.

Make the most of it!

The Midlife Motions Mission

is to help you


It is a platform for women sharing that midlife boat and riding the waves like menopause, empty nesting, relationships …, and a place where I share things I like or find helpful; chances are, you might benefit from them as well. They might solve a problem for you or just give you a giggle.

Some suggestions might be a bit unusual – like dancing at home on your own to get rid of your anger or frustration. But who cares? No one gets hurt in the process (not usually anyway) and it works.


Midlife Motions Categories:

There are a lot of things going on with our midlife bodies, and some of them might be a bit confusing or even scary.

Midlife Motions is a safe space you can roam to find information, answers, and others who are in that same rocky boat with you.

Check it out!

We all have them.

We’re mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, friends, colleagues…

Sometimes they bring you so much joy and love, and sometimes they make you want to pull your hair out.

Find out more!

Do you sometimes think: “Is this it?” and feel a bit deflated or disapointed. Not necessarily because you didn’t like the life you had so far, but more because you still feel that there has to be more. After all, you’re only what 45, 50, 55…
What is it you want out of life?

Let me help you get it!

Because this website is about embracing and enjoying your life now that you’ve made it over the hill, I have added this section solely for you to enjoy.

I guess the one piece of take away I am intending with it is that we don’t benefit from taking ourselves and life too seriously.

Go ahead, check it out!

How did it start?

I still feel very young at heart, have a lot of interests (which can be a blessing as well as a curse), and love to learn new things. Hence the name Midlife Motions.

So, a while back, I felt that something had to give. I wanted to create something and knitting another scarf would not cut it this time. It had to be something that would benefit others and could be turned into something bigger if I enjoyed it.

The big questions were: 

What to do?

And where to start?

I was surely not the only woman my age wanting something more meaningful out of her life. Not that I was unhappy, no. It was more like “Is this it?”.

After a lot of brainstorming and googling sessions, the decision was made. I would start a blog.

Among others, one idea was to make use of my training as a life coach and all the positive changes I experienced in my personal life as a result of it.

That’s when Midlife Motions was born.

Gosh, was I thrilled… I still am, don’t get me wrong. Just in a more realistic kinda way. 

On top of being helpful to other women out there, Midlife Motions has at least two not so obvious but no less beneficial side-effects.

No. 1

It takes me outside of my comfort zone on a regular basis. Usually, I am not someone who puts herself out there like this. Digitally shouting my stuff out for the whole world to read (well, theoretically, they could, if they knew I existed), not like me at all.

No. 2

My hubby gets his comfort zone back. By writing about them, I have a release for the things I am interested in without driving the poor guy mental. I tend to talk (he might call it ranting) about whatever I am passionate about at the time. Like. All. The. Time.

That I am interested in quite a lot of things doesn’t make his life easier. I often jump from one subject to the next without so much as a fair warning, and the poor fella is expected to keep up.

Would you like to know more about the person behind Midlife Motions: Meet Renate.

Do you have a question, or want to comment? Make sure to get in touch and let me know here.

Ok, now, thanks for your visit and enjoy the rest of your stay. If you like what you find here, make sure you sign up for my newsletter. It would make my day.

Renate xx

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